Thursday, 16 June 2016

Quran and The Flat Earth

The Quran describes that the Earth is flat/spread out like a carpet. It is clear from it. Look at the Quranic verses described in this article. Seven different translations from Arabic scholars are provided for reference. The word by word grammar of the Quran and various Arabic dictionaries are provided as well which shows the meanings of the words used.

1) First, and foremost, I will show you that the common claim made by people such as Zakir Naik that the Quran describes earth as egg-shaped, is a clear lie. The base of his lie is that ‘dahaha’ can also mean "egg-shaped", which is wrong. 

2) Secondly, I will show you that Quran uses various words to describe the shape of the earth, all of which means spread out/flat/plane/stretched out etc. and none of them meaning egg-shaped or spherical.

1) Quran 79:30 describes the earth’s shape as dahaha. Dahaha is an Arabic word which means spread it out/stretched it out/flattened it.

Arabic transliteration:

Waal-arda ba’Ada dhalika dahaha


Sahih International: And after that He spread the earth.

Pickthall: And after that He spread the earth,

Yusuf Ali: And the earth, moreover, hath He extended (to a wide expanse);

Shakir: And the earth, He expanded it after that.

Muhammad Sarwar: After this, He spread out the earth,

Mohsin Khan: And after that He spread the earth;

Arberry: and the earth-after that He spread it out,

As you can see, NONE of the translations show a meaning “egg-shaped” for dahaha. Let us look some arabic dictionaries and see if ANY of them show such a meaning for dahaha.

As you can see, there is no meaning egg-shaped or spherical for Dahaha. Almost every dictionary translates it as flat/stretched out. Only one dictionary (glosbe) translates it as "round", as one of the meanings, apart from spread out. Keep in mind that round does not mean spherical. The shape of a plate is also round. The same goes with most flat-earth models – they also describe the earth as a round and flat disc.

Zakir claims that Dahaha is derived from arabic word Duhiya which means “egg of an ostrich”. Lie! Duhiya means “the place in desert where an ostrich lays egg”, because the ostrich spreads its feet wide when laying eggs. Dahaha is derived from the word Daha which means "spread out" or "flattened". "ha" is a suffix meaning "it", which is a refer-back to the object being spread out. Here is the proof from Edward William Lane’s Arabic-English Lexicon:

Feel free to check it directly from Lane’s Lexicon if you know Arabic:
2) Let us look at other verses of the Quran that describe the shape of the Earth:
A) Quran 15:19 -
Waal-arda madadnahawaalqayna feeha rawasiya waanbatnafeeha min kulli shay-in mawzoonin

Pickthall: And the earth have We spread out, and placed therein firm hills, and caused each seemly thing to grow therein.

Here, the Arabic word used to describe the shape of the earth is Madad. Let us look the meaning of madad in Arabic dictionaries:

As you can see, the meaning of Madad is expand/extend/elongate/stretch which means nothing but flatten.
B) Quran 20:53 –
Allathee ja’Aala lakumu al-ardamahdan wasalaka lakum feeha subulan waanzala mina alssama-imaan faakhrajna bihi azwajan min nabatinshatta
Pickthall: Who hath appointed the earth as a bed and hath threaded roads for you therein and hath sent down water from the sky and thereby We have brought forth divers kinds of vegetation,
Here, the Arabic word used to describe the earth is mahdan. Let us look the meaning of mahdan in Arabic dictionaries:

As you can see, Mahdan means bed/cradle when used as noun and quitened/calm when used as adjective.

C) Quran 78:6 –

Arabic transliteration -
Alam naj’Aali al-arda mihadan.
Pickthall: Have We not made the earth an expanse,

Here, the Arabic word used is mihadan. Let us look the meaning of mihadan.
As you can see, Mihadan means flat land/bed.

Feel free the check out verses 71:19, 51:48, 50:7 and 43:10 as well, which describe the shape of the earth using various words, all of which mean what we saw – flatten, spread out, stretch out, like a bed, like a carpet etc.

Thus, it is clear that the Quran describes earth as flat, which was the common notion with Arabs in the seventh century. For those who claim that the Quran is describing only the land in these verses (instead of the earth as a whole), the land itself is considerable curved when you take the continent of Eurasia (Europe + Asia) of which Arabia is a part of. Some argue that the quran is only talking about landmass over a small area as flat/spread out, then they have to realize that there are many areas that are not level, such as hills and mountains. A clear scientific error, whichever way you look at it.


  1. Again the articles is misleading. See this:

  2. Answering Christianity is a flop. You would know that if you ever bothered to fact-check their claims. It claims Dahaha means "to make it egg shaped"... Thats a LIE. I have disproved it here using Lane's Lexicon, the best Classical Arabic-English dictionary ever.

    1. Rahul ChutiyaKrishan,

      The only flop here is YOU. This article is misleading and it is a filthy propaganda against Islam.. Fuck you asshole and F-uck your filthy cult of Hinduism.

    2. Let's expose your lie.

      "As you can see, the meaning of Madad is expand/extend/elongate/stretch which means nothing but flatten."

      This A BLATANT LIE!!

      This statement of yours CLEARLY proves that you are an illiterate bastard.

      According to a moron like you expand=flatten?

      What a filthy moron and liar you are, you filthy Hindu.

    3. You are right brother because the word meaning flat in arabic is mustaha which doesn't mentioned in whole quran so how can these bustard say that the earth is flat in quran . Also in the end of this article the editor claims that muslims and Arabs said that it mentioned for land in quran and that mean quran land is expanse . This editor said that expose himself after saying that some part of world is hilly . And that is mentioned in our holy Qur'an that we place mountain firmly in the earth

    4. "wa ila al Ardi kayfa sutihat"

      you forgot that verse bro? i have this Surah memorized by heart

  3. No the word dahaha as understood from the time Quran was revealed was understood as egg shaped, and is mentioned in some of the old exegesis of Quran. also Sura Ibrahim 48: One day (qiyamah) the Earth will be changed to a different Earth.
    The Prophet ASWS said that on the day of qiyamah the earth will become flat like a round piece of bread. This means that prior to the day of qiyamah the earth is spherical.

    The Quran says that when the night and the day overlap, they make a ball (sphere):

    [Quran 39.5] [Allah] Created the heavens and the Earth in truth. He overlaps [Yukawer in Arabic يُكَوِّرُ] the night over the day and overlaps [Yukawer يُكَوِّرُ] the day over the night, and enslaved the sun and the moon. ALL MOVE (Kullon Yajree كل يجري) to a prerecorded destiny. Is He not the Exalted, the Forgiver?

    The Arabic word "Kura" means ball; its verb "Yukawer يُكَوِّرُ" means to make into a ball. The Quran says that the overlapping of the night and the day makes a ball (sphere). Here also the Quran is referring to ALL MOVING, not only the sun and moon but also Earth. In Arabic grammar there is difference between the singular (one), binary (two) and plural (three or more). The reference to binary is "Kulahuma Yajreean كلاهما يجريان" however the Quran said "Kullon yajree كل يجري" referring to the plural (three or more). Since the sun and moon are just two but the Quran refers to three or more then according to the Quran all the three move: sun, moon and Earth.

    The Quran says that Earth has a diameter (diameter is simply twice the radius).

    [Quran 55,33] O company of Jinn and man, escape the diameters (Aktar in Arabic اقطار) of the Heavens and the Earth if you can, You won't escape without authority.

    Diameter in Arabic is Kutr قطر. Its plural is Aktar اقطار. Radii and diameters are properties of circles or spheres only. This conforms with the previus verse, to make into a ball [Yukawer يُكَوِّرُ].

    The rotation of Earth is slowing down, that is, days are getting longer. The Quran says that Allah persistently asks more of the day and more of the night, that is, for the day to get longer:

    [Quran 7.54] And your Lord, Allah, who created the Heavens and the Earth in six days and then settled on the Throne. [Allah] Covers the night with the day, asks for it persistently; and the sun and the moon and the stars enslaved by His orders. Is this not His creation and His command? Blessed be Allah the Lord of all the worlds.

    If God asks more of the day and more of the night then this means the days are getting longer. Physics wise this means that the rotation of Earth should be slowing down. However this is what it really turned out to be: The rotation of Earth is indeed slowing down.

    [Quran 50.7] And the earth We have spread it out (والارض مددناها), and set thereon mountains standing firm, and have produced therein every kind of lovely pairs (of plants).

    The Quran says that God spread out the Earth 'والارض مددناها' meaning increase in surface area during formation. 'Madda' in Arabic means 'spread out', however it was mistranslated to 'flat'. Flat in Arabic is "musattah مسطح" and its verb (to make flat) is "sataha سطح" however neither were used in the entire Quran. The Quran says that God spread out Earth, that is, increased the surface area. Our solar system is 4.57 billion years old. Earth started accreting concurrently with the sun and our neighbouring planets 4.57 bln years ago. However during the accretion process the radius of Earth was not spontaneously 6400 km; but rather started a few kilometers long and progressively increased. But the surface area is a function of the radius, that is, as the radius increases the surface area increases (surface area = 4πR2). So the Quran correctly described the surface area as increasing.

  4. hahahahah Mr Jawad you said:"..the word dahaha as understood from the time Quran was revealed was understood as egg shaped... the earth is spherical..."
    Though according to Islam dahaha means an ostrich egg,scientifically the idea is not acceptable and it is WRONG!!!because earth is an OBLATE SPHEROID while the ostrich egg is a PROLATE SPHEROID. Thus the earth and the ostrich egg are NOT similar in three dimensions.JUNK SCIENCE OF KORAN IS DEBUNKED!!!!!
    RECOMENDATION: get back to school,or at least google what u want publish, and just do not copy & paste the Quranic junk science!!!

    1. But it is also mentioned in quran that we set mountain firmly . So that means that allah said clearly mentioned that is geosphere but somepart of world it is not smooth 😂😂 you want to defame Islam but you are defame because you did not quran and not science or geography

    2. Mountains were not set firmly by a hand from above – they arose from below, pushed by tectonic plates.

  5. //No the word dahaha as understood from the time Quran was revealed was understood as egg shaped, and is mentioned in some of the old exegesis of Quran.//

    If you are the least bit honest, show us any reference that supports this claim. There is no old exegesis of the Quran that identifies "Dahaahaa" as egg-shaped.

  6. //Flat in Arabic is "musattah مسطح" and its verb (to make flat) is "sataha سطح" used in the entire Quran. The Quran says that God spread out Earth, that is, increased the surface area.//

    Thanks for shooting yourself. Here is the word sutihat (سُطِحَتْ) used in the Quran - verse 88:20. As you told "sataha" means "to make flat". And "sutihat" means "made flat".

  7. Quran 88:20 - "wa ilaa al-ardi kayfa sutihat".

    English: "And to the earth how it is made flat"

  8. 🔷سطح (noun): surface
    ▶️Example sentences,
    "سطح" الزهرة ضاري للغاية بحيث تستحيل الحياة هنا
    🔶Venus' "surface" is so hostile that life is impossible there.
    هناك صيغة لحساب مساحة "سطح" المجال
    🔶There is formula for calculating "surface" area of a sphere.

    ✔️Use of word "surface" "سطح" in above sentences doesn't suggest Venus is flat or Sphere is flat. If you don't know arbic why are you writing such blogs.

    ➡️Link To Arabic English Dictionary:

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. If Allah says that the earth is flat then the earth is flat without doubt. Google nasa and try to find a single real picture of this supposed globe flying on infinite universe going nowhere. Look at the stars that you see everynight in the same place. You can believe satan(Your enemy) or Allah ( your creator )

    #The choice is yours

  11. Instead of putting effort to refute it
    Try listening to whole Quran seeking guidance from God first. Indeed it's word of God. I myself took 34 years to come to this point.try it

  12. This Guy Named 'UnKnown'Tried Very Hard Say Something Which Is Not Correct.No Matter How Hard you Try To Prove False As Truth.Truth Always Wins.

    He Even Didn't Dare to Show His Name But Put A Heading Which Is Funny.LOL.

    Enyone Who Wants to Know About This Topic Here Is The Answer::

    Dahaha -The word ''DAHA'' which is Translated as Spread Out.Comes from the Root ''DAHOO'' which means to Spread Out or Smooth Out.
    Which is used to describe actions for
    Setting Out and Adjusting something which Is Sperically.
    The meaning of the Roundness is also Derived from the word ''DAHOO''.
    For example The word DAHOO is used to Describe Children Dropping or Rolling a Ball Or a Walnut in to a Hole on The Ground.
    So in this verse the word DAHAHA is a very Technical Word which refers to Spreading Out The Earth by Rolling or Rotating it.
    Now what Science tells about the Formation Of The Earth is that The Earth was not Smoothly Round or Even Spread Out Rather it Was a Rough Object which became Round Due to its Rotational Motion.
    It is also important to be noticed that the Flat Earth thoery model is a Stationary Closed System which rejects the Existence of Space.
    However in The Qur'an ALLAH SWT says "And the heaven we constructed with Strength,And Indeed we are its expander". Al-Qur'an(51:47).

    In this verse ALLAH SWT is talking about the Exapansion of The Universe.Which confirms The Existence of The Space Unlike the Flat Earth theory.

    ALLAH SWT says "The sun runs on to its place of rest.That is the ordaining of the All- mighty,The-All knowing".

    In this verse ALLAH SWT tells us about Another Tecent Discovery.That The Sun and The Entire Solar System is moving towards An Unknown Direction.Which is Impossible In Stationary Closed System.

    The Moon and The Sun and The Earth and Everything that ALLAH SWT Created and Describes them in Detail.

    And tells us that The Earth is Doing What??

    Ans :: Kawer(Turning)- The Same thing like When you make "A Turban" Kawer(Turning).

    Qur'an says ''He wraps the night over the day and wraps day over the night''.

    The earth is Turning and Nobody Believed That Back Then.Cause you dont Feel The Earth turning,Do you?So we assumed that The Earth was the Centre of The Universe.And that The Sun was Moving Around Us. what we thought.
    But it mentions that Even The Sun is in an Orbit.The Earth is in an Orbit.The Sun has its Orbit its not Being Still.
    And the earth is going around The Sun the same way The Moon is going around The Earth.All of its Moving.

    ALLAH SWT uses this word Swimming.

    Qur'an says ''All ( Heavenly Bodies) in an Orbit are Swimming''.

    Who is telling us this?



    1. This Is Taha Mohammad Anyone Wants Ask Questions about Islam Or Wants To Know About Islam Feel Free Ping Me At

      Email Id

    2. I can see foolish people in the websites.
      The first meaning if dahaha you wrote speared it out. So, why are you taking the wrong meanings. If one if the 10 meanings of the word is correct you have to take the right meaning.
      And tell me if you take spread then how does it contradict that earth is round.
      You people just have one target in your life which is to prove the Quran wrong. But you will never be able to do it.

      Allaah Says (what means): {And after that He spread (in Arabic the word used is Dahaahaa) the earth.} [Quran 79:30]. The Arabic word Dahaahaa is extracted from the root Daha which means spreading as interpreted by Imaams Al-Qurtubi, Ibn Manthoor and other interpreters of the Quran may Allaah have mercy upon them.

      Indeed Allaah explained the fact of the Earth being spread just right after mentioning the above verse, as He Says (what means): {And brought forth therefrom its water and its pasture. And the mountains He has fixed firmly.} [Quran 79:31-32]. Therefore, it becomes evident that the verse does not mean that He made it egg-shaped.

      This, of course, does not contradict the fact the Earth is round-shaped as agreed by the scholars may Allaah have mercy upon them.

      Allaah Knows best.




    1. I agree with you Taha Mohd.Why would Allah tell us about the invisible pillars ( science call it dark matter and dark energy) that is holding up the whole Universe including Earth/Dunya.Scientists and Physicists have made it their lifelong mission to figure it out but to no avail up untill today.(that in itself is already a miracle)The science fraternity are now also inadvertently using words such as "pillars" and "scaffolding" ( and that is also a miracle) for this force and energy that is holding up our entire Universe.And nobody can deny this undisputed fact in the Quran.They won't be able to find out either what it is because Allah says its invisible.My point is this,why would Allah who made and created everything as it is today tell us in the Quran that the Earth is flat when all of the above indicate that everything is in space and round and surrounded by atmosphere and the works as explained above..They don't have a leg to stand.

  14. This is Mo Noor Joseph

  15. actually kuran is illogical book. it teach only hate to kafir (non muslim)and sex in 72virgins
    And close mind about humanity

    1. Go and get 1000 damsels as prescribed in Mahabharata.
      Apsaras are waiting for you in hell.

    2. Quran says if you can't understand go to whom khow who khows well

    3. If you thinking about 72 hurs what about ur Lord krishna who married 100000 wives at ones and has one extra girlfried

  16. Quran's only motto, kill non-Islamists and get 72 hoor to fukc.

  17. Is spreading out and flat equivalent?? No doubt it is hindus whose scriptures say four cornered earth, eclipse caused by demon, moon bigger than sun.

  18. Brother..One mircle of quran is more than one meaning is being correct
    •first dahaha means spread out it's correct where Allah says i spred land like carpet to walk..not said maken flat.. It's misconception that carpet can only layed on flat surface..talking about science the crust layer is like carpet on mantle...
    *second dahaha a word from two words duhya mean egg like and it also refers to place where ostrich lay eggs why the word egg refering to a place where ostrich lay eggs.. If you use little bit our brain if you have? you can know it is ostrich egg.. I hope you will get the answer
    •judge only if you know the whole
    Not by little bit meanings

  19. Salam jinn/rat/burger worshiper, how are you?

    This is actually perfect as now the NASA scams are being exposed and i have serious doubts about the shape of the earth.. keeping in mind EACH AND EVERY photo of the earth from space is CGI, by their own admission.. also, no one ever left the atmosphere let alone made it to the moon or mars lol.. it's all hollywood productions..

    Everything we been taught is a lie.. how did they manage to hide it? same way they did with 9/11 which now is beyond a smidgen of a doubt an inside job.

    So yeah, thank you for this service, rat worshiper

